Friday, May 1, 2009

So, Which Swine Invented the H1N1 Flu?

I'm referring to human swine, of course. I've read all kinds of conspiracy theories about the current flu "pandemic," which, for a pandemic, seems to have panned at the box office. Let's see--100 "confirmed" cases in the United States, 10 or so in Europe, and that's a pandemic?

Worse, there is only one lab in the United States that can even test patients to see if they actually have the swine, oops, H1N1 flu, and that's the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta. Mexico has no lab that can test for it and relies also on the CDC.

Very interesting, isn't it, all these dire warnings? I betcha of the 100 U.S. victims, most don't have the H1N1 virus, and probably a lot of them don't even have the flu. Many probably developed sympathy symptoms when they heard of the flu's going round.

Now, for those conspiracy theories, here goes: 1) Baxter Laboratories developed the strain and tested it out in Mexico in anticipation of the day when the world's population needs to be reduced drastically; 2) Obama owns stock in Tamiflu; 3) The scare was fabricated to take the heat off governments as their citizens go broke, homeless and hungry; 5) The pandemic was engineered to coincide with the sale of U.S. Treasuries to create a flight to the safety of the almighty dollar during a global crisis. Got more?

I think there's a bit of truth in all these assertions, but it all brings me back to my original assertion--someone(s) invented all this--so the question remains:

Which swine invented the H1N1 flu?

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