Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's Your Money (Debt), But Biden Takes Credit

The story at Chicago's Republic Windows and Doors actually is a good one, a victory for the workers that is all too rare in these days of massive layoffs and job destruction.

However, it sticks in my craw when someone as blatantly disingenuous as our Veep, Joe Biden, manages to take credit for saving the plant. He showed up there on Monday to boast about the admin's stimulus plan.

In fact, funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) are behind the resurrection of the factory. New owner Kevin Surace of Serious Materials eyed $8 billion in ARRA for weatherization and energy efficiency, hoping for a slice of the action, when he purchased Republic this year. Surace now intends to use the plant on Goose Island and another in Pittsburgh to churn out energy-efficient doors and windows and other weatherization products using ARRA bucks.

It's great news for the laid-off employees, who are now returning to work:

"We would have liked to run the factory ourselves, but things don't really work that way in this country," said Vicente Rangel, 35, who worked at the factory for 15 years. Since the factory closing he looked for work with little luck and took classes in computer skills. "There are not too many jobs out there," he said. "I'm a little bit surprised and glad to be back here. The workers stayed united and we were able to do this."

A good story, but Biden should butt out and go study the Constitution for the first time in his life.

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