Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Health Care Reform Becomes Insurance Mandate

After all the hullabaloo about public options, socialized medicine, death panels, and employer mandates, yada yada, it all comes down to this, judging by the bill the U.S. Senate is poised to pass:

You must buy health insurance or go to jail. Or pay a fine. Or get a government subsidy. Or thumb your nose and see what happens (probably nothing).

WINNERS: Insurance companies.

LOSERS: Just about everyone, as this will no doubt raise premiums sky high even as services are reduced to cover new, unserviceable demand.

PREDICTION: If Obama and the Democrats survive in power after 2012, look for the public option to come back in full force as they once again demonize the insurance companies, when in truth it's Medicare and Medicaid that are driving the system bankrupt and unaffordable.

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