Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Do a Favor, Get Sued for Weight-Loss Surgery

This actually happened, and it's pretty chilling from an employer's perspective.

A pizza shop owner in Indiana hired a cook weighing 380 pounds because, for starters, the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against the morbidly obese.

All goes well for a while...until the chef gets knocked in the spine by a refrigerator door and requires surgery. The owner's workers' comp insurer agrees to cover the surgery, but the doctors advise weight-loss surgery before the spinal work. Worker's comp insurer refuses to pay, so worker sues employer and worker wins. Employer appeals and employer loses.

Bottom line: Employer is out $20,000 for doing the guy a favor, and now he may be losing his business as well.

Read it all here.

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