Friday, October 23, 2009

Are There Jobs Americans Won't Do?

One of the arguments for immigration reform (read: blanket amnesty)--the surface argument that masks the real reason, which is to farm Democratic votes--is that there are simply too many jobs that Americans "won't do."

However, a study by the Center for Immigration Studies used 2005-07 data to look at 465 occupations. Only four had a majority of immigrants in them: plasterers and stucco masons, agricultural graders and sorters, personal appliance workers, and tailors and dressmakers.

In every other occupation, such as janitors, maids, and groundskeepers, a large majority were filled by native-born Americans. The report's conclusion: "The often-made argument that immigrants only take jobs Americans don't want is simply wrong."

So, there you go, Dubya--who once said there are simply jobs "Americans won't do"--has been proven wrong again.

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