Monday, August 17, 2009

Get Vaccinated or Go to Prison

The World Health Organization (WHO) is rapidly morphing itself into something akin to the first world government. It recently directed 200-plus nations to vaccinate all its citizens for the H1N1 (swine flu) virus--or else.

It's not clear what the "or else" is, but Nicolas Sakozy of France wasted no time in directing the military to forcefully vaccinate the entire French population.

Canada is mulling the same and talking about issuing certificates of vaccination, without which one cannot return to work or school or receive health care.

Seems we're on the verge of the Nazification of so-called health care--line up, folks, and submit to the government or else.

Maybe the military will just bayonet you if you refuse the vaccination.

Everything is evidently on the table when there's no proof that the swine flu will even return, let alone return in a more virulent form.

Meanwhile, Austria is investigating drugmaker Baxter for bioterrorism after reports that the company created and spread the H1N1 virus this past spring, launching it in South America.

The Obamacrats have yet to announce their vaccination plan, but the military option--like the public option in health care reform--is alive and well and under consideration.

My thanks to Gorilla Radio for providing a comprehensive survey of all things swine flu, from which I drew this encapsulization.

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