Wednesday, July 15, 2009

AHRQ Proves that Cold Weather Cures...

...the health care system anyway.

In its just-released comparative study on health care quality in the 50 states, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) ranks most states as average, but those few that came in as strong seemed to be--from my unscientific review of the data--located in the northernmost midsection of our nation.

Specifically, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa were deemed as having "strong" quality health care. Massachusetts slipped into the category too, which of course will have liberals shouting that "See, health care reform [socialization] works!" (Actually, Massachusetts has always had an advanced health care system even before Commonwealth Care, which may well end up destroying it.)

It also appeared almost axiomatic that the bigger the state, the worse the health care. Also, Sunbelt States didn't pan out too well either.

I'm doomed.

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