Monday, June 15, 2009

How Do 3.5 Million Promised Jobs Become 600,000?

Answer: When it was all BS to begin with.

Remember when the so-called stimulus bill was rushed through Congress to the tune of $787 billion? It was promoted as the cure for the Great Depression Part II that would "create or save" 3.5 million jobs.

Well, the official back-pedalling has now begun. First, Obama this past week said that 150,000 jobs had been or would soon be created from the stimulus, and now his right-hand truth fabricator Joe Biden said on Sunday that the stimulus would create 600,000 jobs by the end of summer.

Why the backtrack? As Biden says, "The economy was worse off than we thought."

Actually, statistics now show that the recession was milder that the Obamacrats had been portraying it (not that 15 million unemployed is mild).

Truth be known, the stimulus package a) had nothing to do with creating jobs and b) had everything to do with expanding government and government control over the economy.

So, if you're one of the 15 million looking for work, don't expect the stimulus dollars to create a job for you--unless you plan to work for the government.

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