Monday, June 22, 2009

Welcome to the Soviet Socialist Republic of Bozeman, Montana

The City of Bozeman, Montana (population: 27,509), is now screening job applicants for their "moral character" by asking them to fork over logins and passwords for all their social networking memberships.

No doubt a simple picture of you at a party with some hot babes or dudes with a keg of beer nearby would get you scratched immediately. Anything really suspicious and you'd probably be turned over to the local gestapo.

Obviously, you'd have to be an idiot to surrender such information. Either that, or awfully desperate for a dead-end government job.

Put it this way: If Barack Obama doesn't have to produce a birth certificate even when he's on vacation in his birth state of Hawaii to prove he's a U.S. citizen, why the hell should any birth-certificate-holding citizen have to compromise his or her privacy and integrity for a job way down the government food chain?

Remember when they ask you for such info that one doesn't even need to pay one's taxes to work for the president. A nice double standard.

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