Thursday, April 2, 2009

Cash-Starved States Embrace Fashion Statement

Lindsay Lohan is now coming to the aid of cash-starved states and municipalities by making a fashion statement out of wearing an alcohol-detecting ankle bracelet. The device reads alcohol consumption through the sweat, but Ms. Lohan has no problem incorporating the anklet into her life-style, even to the point of showing it off while sipping a Red Bull at a Las Vegas nightclub.

(For the record, Ms. Lohan was arrested on DUI and possession of cocaine charges and underwent posh rehabiliation in Malibu. Upon release, she had the alcohol monitor added to her wardrobe. You and I would still be in jail.)

The reason states are rejoicing over her new fashion mugging (the paparazzi are always nearby) concerns their budgets. One way to cut the budget is to release prisoners early, and doing so often involves assigning a GPS-tracking ankle monitor to the releasee.

Then, of course, you have the PR nightmare of explaining to the good folk of your city or state that they are now less safe.

Cheaper than providing a convict three squares and a bed each day, so look for new crime in your neighborhood soon.

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