Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Personnel Concepts' White Paper Predicts Future

Well, not quite, but Personnel Concepts--the labor law poster pioneers--has added a white papers section to its home page, and one of the featured papers looks at labor law changes coming under Barack Obama.

Prominent among the anticipated pieces of legislation is something called the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), which the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has christened "Armageddon"--the end of free enterprise in America.

EFCA, also derisively called "card check" because it enables employees to unionize simply by signing unionization cards and shunning any secret ballots, looked to be a shoe-in at the start of the Obama administration, but recently speculation has surfaced that some previous supporters are having second thoughts.

The bill is reportedly going to be introduced in the House of Representatives today. Passage in the House, which is wildly stacked in favor of the Democrats, is almost a sure thing, but the Senate--with its 60-vote cloture rule--is more iffy, and that's where the reported defections have taken place.

We'll just have to wait and see. Meanwhile, I'm sure Personnel Concepts will keep us posted.


Anonymous said...

Love the articles. I have never heard of Personnel Concepts until now. It looks like they have more than just labor law posters. I see a lot of useful tools i.e. kits, posters, programs etc. I'm surprised I haven't heard of this company before now. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Labor Law Posters...thats what I think about Personnel Concepts...but they are involved in so much more. These people are a great source of information. Business owners would be wise to take what is given to them for free...ah ah...not government posters but the white papers. I think it's great they have done this and should continue to make their site the place to stop at for information.

Anonymous said...

White papers...who needs them with your blog. You have all the information any one needs. Of course there is another blog that is called Laborlawguy.wordpress.com.

Then again maybe we should stick to the professionals who have been doing this forever and a day

Get Off My Back said...

Yeah, I discovered that Labor Law Guy too, but I surf everwhere on the Web for good info.

Anonymous said...

Awesome stuff. Thanks for posting this information. The labor law industry needs someone like this. Having this kind of information and being a small business owner is invaluable. The more the merrier. Personnel Concepts would be wise to advertise this position and resource they have available for business owners. I'm going to pass this on to my local chamber of commerce. Perhaps we can get some of this information provided by others.