It's probably just a ruse to get rid of E-Verify to woo the illegal immigrant vote (more on this later), but New York Senator Charles Schumer (Far Left-N.Y.) says the current online system for checking people's eligibility to work in the U.S. is "unfair and ineffective."
That system, called E-Verify, taps into databases at the Social Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security to check if a job applicant really is authorized to work in the U.S., either by dint of citizenship or visa. In other words, it's a frontline defense against illegal immigrants' taking legal citizens' jobs away, and against employers' gaming the system.
E-Verify, however, is staunchly opposed by stalwarts such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (gee, I wonder what their motive is) and all Democrats except some of the Blue Dogs.
Democrats aren't really concerned about jobs (see: taxes, regulation, unionism, tort law, etc.), but--as always--about votes.
Thus E-Verify is an enemy to be swatted down and sent off into oblivion, so the illegal immigrant vote will collectively know the Democrats are on their side.
Step two of this political fox trot is to grant amnesty and eventually citizenship to the illegals, who will then be indelibly grateful to the Democrats and vote for them forever, meaning the U.S. will become virtually a one-party country (according to liberal thinking).
Now, back to my headline about GPS implants: Schumer said he prefers a biometric ID card over the "ineffective" E-Verify system.
If he has his way, soon we'll all be lining up to have a hologram of our heads made to be implanted in some kind of U.S. ID Card.
I say take all this a step closer to its logical conclusion and put little GPS tracking implants inside each of us and assign us a number for tracking.
At the same time they can hard wire the implant so it can control our voting hands; then in the voting booth our little pinkies will always punch the button for (guess who?) the Democrats.
Why fiddle with half-measures?
Friday, June 26, 2009
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Probably more than any other state it's the Democratic run assembly in Sacramento, California that urgently needs to mandate E-Verify in every business. E-Verify should a permanent addition on every workplace computer, to check the legality of every worker that exists on the payroll. Not just new hires? Those who are unfortunate to be informed of an error can immediately seek relief at the local Social Security office. The fact is no illegal worker who is dismissed will dare approach a government agency such as the SSA. With probably the largest force of illegal immigrants and the family members illegally settled in the state, this could be a major deterrent for disrupting them from the workplace. California has sunk below performance in education, because they are crammed solid with the children of foreign nationals, exempting US born children from a decent education.
Many hospitals have closed it's doors, as they have become unable to comply with need for medical care by the illegally here uninsured.The US government mandated laws to offer emergency care to anybody, who dodged the border patrol, but never complied to pay for the uninsured to the full amounts. Nobody can deny that millions of illegal families living in the principle counties, of Los Angeles and San Francisco has been seriously hit by monolithic budget deficits, caused by state welfare programs accessed by unauthorized immigrants? Even one of their own--city Manager Andronovich readily admitted illegal aliens had drained Los Angeles of $11 billion dollars in benefits. Now this fiscal year the state of California, with non-stable deficit of $24 billion dollars is looking to extract higher taxes from it's legal population, to pay for it's own incompetence.
It's unfortunate that Governors, Mayors and elected officials have pandered to the business world, instead of listening to their constituents in California and nationwide. When I lived in California, the state was clean and progressive in the 60's, but then outlaw judges completely ignored the taxpayers wishes and mysteriously spirited away Propostion 187, that would have instantly halted welfare to illegal alien families before it could be appealed to a higher court and eventually the Supreme court. For years now the self inflicted financial wounds have suppurated and getting worse, as more foreigners poured into Californian--SANCTUARY CITIES--denying its citizens equitable relief in the courts.
Even the federal government operates over 60 aid programs. The largest of these are Medicaid; the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC); food stamps; Supplemental Security Income (SSI); Section 8 housing; public housing; Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF); the school lunch and breakfast programs; the WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) nutrition program; and the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG). Many programs, such as SSI and the EITC, provide cash to recipients. Others, such as public housing or SSBG, pay for services that are provided to recipients." Another fallacy is that illegal immigrants cannot apply for any federal benefits, but even those programs have been abused with fraudulent documents, bogus Social security numbers and insidious government feeder ID from different lax states. More information at NUMBERSUSA, CAPSWEB
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