Friday, June 12, 2009

Basic $12K-a-Month Employee Wins $4.1B Lawsuit

Some lucky dude by the name of Paul Thomas Chester was fired by iFreedom Communications. Chester had been paid $12,000 a month plus a 5-percent commission on gross sales and also had a bunch of stock guaranteed to him.

When iFreedom fired him, Chester filed suit, which went first to an arbitrator and then to a superior court that affirmed the arbitrator's judgment.

Result? Chester walked away with $4.1 billion.

Now, I'll give you one guess about which state this occurred in. Answer here.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Graphic Follow-Up to My 'True Lies' Posting

Here's a nicely done graph that shows the Obama economics team originally projection of unemployment with the stimulus plan (in dark blue) and without the stimulus plan (in light blue). The red dots show actually unemployment rates:

I shamelessly "borrowed" this illustration from a blog entitled Innocent Bystanders.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

No Republican Could Ever Get Away With Such Lies

Can you imagine if George Bush were president and he bragged about having "saved or created x [fill in the blank] number of jobs"? He'd be howled off the podium with scorn and derision.

So what happens when Barack Obama actually does that, as he did yesterday in claiming that he had "saved or created 150,000 jobs" with the stimulus bill? The lapdog, fawning liberal media sucked it all in and praised the great man for his accomplishment.

Meanwhile, remember how Obama promised that the stimulus plan would keep unemployment below 8 percent and that, without it, unemployment would rise about 9 percent? Got news for you, Obamaites, unemployment is now at 9.4 percent nationwide, and while you claim to have "created or saved 150,000 jobs," the economy has actually lost another 1.6 million jobs since inauguration day.

Nice job.

Though the media will never call the Obama administration out on this particular deceit, one from the Democrats' own ranks did during a hearing with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner:
"You created a situation where you cannot be wrong," said Senator Max Baucus, a Democrat from Montana. "If the economy loses two million jobs over the next few years, you can say yes, but it would've lost 5.5 million jobs. If we create a million jobs, you can say, well, it would have lost 2.5 million jobs. You've given yourself complete leverage where you cannot be wrong, because you can take any scenario and make yourself look correct."

Again, just imagine what would happen if some Republican tried to get away with such self-evident acts of deception?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Income Distribution in the U.S.: True Lies Exposed

I found this (now-purloined) graph prepared by an economist writing about health care in the United States in the New York Times. His purpose was much different than mine. I'm reproducing it to show how politicians blatantly lie everytime they say they're going to tax the wealthy and leave the middle class alone. Yeah, right, and har de har har. All the money is in the middle, as the graph clearly shows (totals include cost of benefits and Social Security/Medicare contributions borne by employee and employer):