Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Personnel Concepts Ending Its Final Notice?

Rumblings have been emanating from Ontario, Calif., that Personnel Concepts may be going to bite the bullet and do away with its "Final Notice" marketing campaign.

FInal Notice has been both a boon and a bane to the company, as it's proven to be an effective tool in drumming up sales but also a source of complaints by those who say it looks too much like an official government document. (Which is why it works so well, no doubt.)

I've found a discussion of the topic over at another blog.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

(BTW, Personnel Concepts is the pioneer in the labor law compliance poster industry and still the industry leader.)


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I got one of those Final Notices at my office one day, scared the heck out of me, but when I read the whole thing, I realized that it was just a clever piece of marketing that admitted that I could get the posters free from the government.

Anonymous said...

Are they. I think they should reconsidered. Personnel Concepts makes serious money off of this mailer. It would be a shame. Of course it's no longer effective with me but I do use it as a notice to remind me of something I need to do and that is keep up to date. What amazes me is all the idiots out there that talk about getting information for free from the government but none of them know what they need or how it pertains to them. Would'nt be funny if they all got screwed by the government. I'm sure you would never hear about Personnel Concepts and how they were right.

Anonymous said...

It's no real threat. Most folks that get this kind of mail just are the perfect sensitive type the company targets. The smarter ones just ignore it. Still Personnel Concepts uses it so I'm assuming it works well but at some point they have to stop using it or else the world wide web will destroy them and their reputation.

Anonymous said...

Huh...I guess the complainers got to them. Personnel Concepts started a great business. I'm not sure why anyone cares what they look like. If you were solicited then you probably were "compliant." If you can't decipher a legitimate piece of mail from a illegitimate piece of mail then you probably should be fined for stupidity.

Anonymous said...

How much does this notice affect their business. If they are ending it obviously it wasn't that effective or something drove them to change their message because it just was not working out.

Personnel Concepts has some great HR products it just seems this kind of mail just makes small business people mad whereas the rest of us are probably saying we have bigger issues to be concern with rather than someone looking like the government and trying to sell me something I have a hired person to take care of for me.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess this statement is a bit overdue...then again perhaps not if they made some money. Personnel Concepts will come out on top with the ending of this kind of mail. People will soon see the worth of the company and perhaps how some of their products are not products but a service.

Anonymous said...

I hope so...then we can all move on with our little business lives. Personnel Concepts can do whatever it is they want to do...just leave me alone.